Livestock Research for Rural Development 36 (2) 2024 LRRD Search LRRD Misssion Guide for preparation of papers LRRD Newsletter

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Black Soldier Fly larvae: cultivation and its potential as an alternative protein source for poultry

Dwi Kusuma Purnamasari, Syamsuhaidi, Sumiati, Erwan and Ryan Aryadin Putra

Faculty of Animal Science, University of Mataram. Jl. Majapahit No. 62, Mataram - 83125, Indonesia


This study aimed to examine the impact of different types of feed on the performance and chemical composition of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae. The study was designed using a completely randomized pattern. The treatments were different types of waste used as feed, namely mixed chicken manure and tofu pulp (CM-TP), vegetable waste (VW), and fruit waste (FW). Each type of feed was provided twice daily for 21 days, with a total of 65 kg of feed delivered. The variables observed included larval performance (body weight, body length, feed reduction, larvae production, feed conversion, frass production, and chemical composition) and bromatological composition (dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, crude fiber, ether extract, and gross energy). The results showed that different feeds significantly affected the overall performance of BSF larvae (p<0.05). The highest body weight and length were observed in the VW treatment compared to other treatments (p<0.05). Feed reduction was significantly highest in the VW treatment, while the lowest was found in the FW treatment (p<0.05). Larval biomass production was significantly highest in the CM-TP treatment, resulting in the lowest Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) (p<0.05). All feed treatments resulted in BSF larvae with high protein values ranging from 30.6% to 52.2%, with the highest value recorded in the CM-TP treatment. In conclusion, feed prepared from a mix of chicken manure and tofu pulp can yield the best BSF larval performance, as indicated by larval production, feed conversion, and protein content. This suggests its potential as an alternative protein source for poultry.

Keywords: Black Soldier Fly, chicken manure, fruit waste, larval biomass, vegetable waste


Hermetia illucens L., also known as the Black Soldier Fly (BSF), is an insect that is increasingly being utilized worldwide. One of its recently discovered benefits is its potential as an edible insect. BSF larvae are efficient and fast bioconversion agents capable of recycling a broad array of organic substrates (Bonelli et al 2020). The number of studies on bioconversion based on BSF larvae is growing, as they can help solve the issue of reducing and reusing food and industrial waste (Ceccotti et al 2022). By transforming organic food waste into high-value animal products, BSF larvae contribute to the development of organic waste management solutions (Cappellozza et al 2019).

Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae reproduce rapidly in substrates such as chicken manure, poultry offal, and other organic waste. The development and biomass composition of BSF larvae might be influenced by their feed source, particularly the ratio of protein to carbohydrate (Abduh et al 2022). High substrate protein concentration has been found to affect the crude protein content of BSF larval biomass (Barragan-Fonseca et al 2017). Numerous studies have been conducted on the development of substrates for rearing BSF larvae for various purposes (Nguyen et al 2013; Jucker et al 2017; Cicilia and Susila 2018; Lalander et al 2019; Scala et al 2020; Gold et al 2020; Singh et al 2021; Abduh et al 2022).

The high cost of poultry rations has led to the exploration of cheaper alternative feedstocks with superior nutritional properties. Feed sourced from vegetable ingredients has been widely used as an alternative, but it faces several challenges, including a deficiency in essential amino acids such as lysine (Ahmad et al 2022). In the poultry industry, feed based on BSF larvae presents a compelling alternative to replace existing ingredients, which are not only expensive but also often compete with human consumption (Moula et al 2018). BSF larvae can produce approximately 40% protein, which is higher compared to some other alternative sources used in feed formulations (Bosch et al 2014; Ewald et al 2020) and they contain nearly all digestible proteins (Schiavone et al 2017).

BSF larvae, due to their high nutritional properties, can serve as a substitute for soybean and fish meals in poultry rations. However, there is limited information available on the impact of mixing chicken manure with tofu pulp on the performance of BSF larvae. We hypothesize that using a combination of chicken manure and tofu pulp as feed could enhance the performance of BSF larvae. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effect of different types of feed on the performance, biomass productivity, and bromatological composition of BSF larvae. Ultimately, these larvae have the potential, both nutritionally and economically, to address the issue of costly poultry feed.

Materials and methods

Preparation of BSF larvae and growing feed

Black Soldier Fly larvae colonies were developed utilizing eggs from the local BSF farm in Midang Village, West Lombok, Indonesia. This farm is known for growing BSF for fish and bird feed. Fresh chicken manure was received from broiler farms for this investigation, while tofu pulp was purchased from tofu pulp craftspeople in the surrounding area. A growing feed mixture of chicken manure and tofu pulp was prepared in a 1:1 ratio. Vegetable waste was collected from the Bertais Market waste dump and fruit waste was sourced from a shelter in Mataram City. Collections of vegetable and fruit waste were made every two days. Each treatment required a total of 65 kg of growing feed material.

Cultivation of BSF larvae

Cultivation of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae is conducted in a modular fly hive measuring 100×100×25 cm, which is covered with a shading net to protect them from predators. This cultivation takes place at the Teaching Farm Research Station, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Mataram, where the diurnal ambient temperature ranges from 27 – 29◦C and the humidity varies between 63% – 75%. A total of 900 g of BSF eggs are hatched in a medium consisting of bran mixed with warm water, forming a dough-like consistency over seven days. Once hatched, the eggs are placed in the treatment medium for the enlargement phase, which lasts for 21 days until the larvae are ready for harvest. The larvae feed on three types of growing feed: CM-TP (a mix of chicken manure and tofu pulp), VW (vegetable waste), and FW (fruit waste). The nutrient content of these feeds is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. The nutrient content of organic waste as a medium for growing BSF larvae.

Type of
growing feed

Based on,













































CM-TP: chicken manure and tofu pulp, VW: vegetable waste, FW: fruit waste, DM: dry matter, OM: organic matter, CP: crude protein, CF: crude fiber, EE: ether extract.

Black Soldier Fly performance and bromatological composition analysis

After 21 days, the BSF larvae were harvested. Measurements were taken for feed consumption, feed conversion, total production, body length, body weight, and frass production and its chemical composition. These measurements were calculated according to the procedure described by Diener et al (2009). For each treatment, 30 BSF larvae were randomly selected. Their body length was measured using a ruler, and their body weight was determined using a scale. Additionally, 90 g of BSF larvae were harvested and deactivated in an oven at 60°C until a constant weight was achieved. The deactivated larval biomass was then ground for nutrient content analysis using the AOAC (2012) procedure. Gross energy (GE) was analyzed using an adiabatic bomb calorimeter (Basu 2018). All samples were analyzed in triplicate, with each replicate performed in duplicate. The moisture content and organic carbon content of the frass were analyzed using the gravimetric method. Total nitrogen in the frass was analyzed using the micro Kjeldahl method (AOAC 2012) at the Animal Nutrition and Feed Science Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Mataram. Total phosphorus and potassium were analyzed using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) method (Butcher 2005) at the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, FMIPA, University of Mataram, Indonesia.

Experimental design and data analysis

The experimental design used in this study was completely randomized. The data collected were analyzed using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of the IBM SPSS software, version 20, in accordance with the experimental setup. Furthermore, if there were significant differences in the means among the treatments, Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test was applied.

Results and Discussion

Black Soldier Fly larvae performance

The results of our current study indicate that both body weight and length were significantly higher in the VW treatment group compared to the CM-TP and FW groups. Specifically, the weight was 0.25 g for VW, compared to 0.16 g for CM-TP and 0.11 g for FW. Similarly, the length was 1.64 cm for VW, compared to 1.41 cm for CM-TP and 1.07 cm for FW (p<0.05). These differences in body weight and length align with the observed feed reduction, which ranged from 43.6 to 59.5 kg/biopond (p<0.05) (see Table 2). Our findings align with those of Jucker et al (2017), who found that BSF larvae fed on fruit and vegetable waste, or a combination of both, resulted in a final weight range of 0.15 g – 0.18 g per larva. Similarly, Singh et al (2021) also recorded that BSF larvae cultured using various feeds had body lengths ranging from 1.86 cm to 2.5 cm.

Table 2 indicate that the feed reduction of BSF larvae, cultured using various growth feeds, ranged from 73.4% to 96.4% of the total 65 kg meal provided. These results recorded a higher feed reduction value than that reported by Scala et al (2020), who combined brewery waste with apple and banana waste, achieving a reduction of 59.4% to 74.0%. The feed reduction was significantly higher in the VW treatment, with a total feed reduction of 59.5 kg/biopond, compared to the CM-TP and FW treatments, which had feed reductions of 51.7 and 43.6 kg/biopond (p<0.05), respectively. The high feed reduction value in the VW treatment can be attributed to the inclusion of vegetable waste in the feed. Vegetable waste not only has sufficient water content but also decomposes and digests rapidly. Moreover, vegetable waste has a distinctive odor that is favored by BSF larvae. The vegetable waste in our study was dominated by leafy vegetables such as mustard greens, chicory, cabbage, water spinach, and celery.

Our current results revealed that the CM-TP treatment significantly increased BSF larvae production to 10.1 kg, compared to the VW treatment (6.7 kg) and FW treatments (4.9 kg) (p<0.05) (Table 2). The production of BSF larvae in VW and FW treatments was also significantly different (p<0.05). The high output in the CM-TP treatment is believed to be due to the fulfillment of energy and protein requirements necessary for their growth and reproduction. BSF larvae can convert 4 – 38% of digested feed into new biomass (Gold et al 2020) with excellent protein quality (Bava et al 2019). Our study found that combining chicken manure with tofu pulp resulted in a more effective nutrient combination, leading to a higher BSF larvae biomass during the 21-day incubation period.

Table 2. Performance parameters of BSF larvae cultured on different types of growing feed


Treatment groups


p value




Body weight (g/head)






Body length (cm/head)






Feed reduction (kg/biopond/period)






Larvae production (kg/period)






Feed Conversion Ratio






Frass production (kg/period)






CM-TP: chicken manure and tofu pulp, VW: vegetable waste, FW: fruit waste, SEM: Standard Error of the Mean a,b,cDifferent superscripts within rows indicate differences at p<0.05

Our results show that the FCR of BSF larvae significantly differed among the experimental groups (p<0.05). The FCR was particularly lowest in the CM-TP treatment, compared to the VW and FW treatments (Table 2). The CM-TP feed, characterized by its crumbly, smooth texture, is rich in protein (19.1%), fat (4.9%), and crude fiber (22.0%). These nutrients serve as sources of energy and protein for the growth and reproduction of BSF larvae. To put it briefly, producing 1 kg of BSF larvae requires 5.11 kg of CM-TP, while VW and FW require 8.95 kg and 9.67 kg, respectively. In a latter study, Li et al (2011) found that cellulose and hemicellulose from corncobs were degraded by 50% and 30%, respectively, after 21 days of BSF incubation. The ability of BSF larvae to digest fibrous food is attributed to the presence of gut bacteria capable of metabolizing polysaccharides and facilitating the degradation of organic matter (Zhineng et al 2021). Moreover, these microbes play a significant role in the emergence and progression of BSF larvae (De Smet et al 2018).

Frass production was significantly higher with FW treatment than with CM-TP and VW, producing 21.4 kg, 12.6 kg, and 5.53 kg respectively (p<0.05). The variation in frass production among treatments is believed to be due to the differing physicochemical characteristics of the waste. Lopes et al (2022) stated that the amount of frass produced during the treatment of biodegradable waste with BSF larvae greatly depends on the physicochemical characteristics of the waste. Lalander et al (2019) demonstrated that frass production from BSF larvae cultured using food waste was about 45% of DM input, 40% for poultry manure, 52% for human feces, and 15% for poultry feed. Additionally, some authors suggest that the decomposition of organic matter waste is more conducive to producing BSF larvae than frass production (Lalander et al 2019; Surendra et al 2020).

Table 3. Chemical characteristics of frass from BSF larvae cultured on different types of growing feed

Frass chemical content





Moisture content (%)








Total nitrogen (%)




Total phosphorous (%)




Total potassium (%)




Total C-organic (%)




C/N ratio




CM-TP: chicken manure and tofu pulp, VW: vegetable waste, FW: fruit waste

Considering the limitations of this study, we have not applied statistical analysis to the chemical characteristic parameters of frass. The frass produced in this study had an ideal moisture content, ranging from 69.7% to 88.1% (Table 3). Attiogbe et al (2019) already reported that a moisture content of 72% was achieved from a mixture of food waste, chicken manure, and sawdust with a mixing ratio of 3:2:1. If the frass has a moisture content of less than 70%, water should be added to maintain the moisture level of the frass after the separation of the BSF larvae from the frass (Dortmans et al 2017). This study demonstrated that frass pH value and organic carbon (C-organic) content of frass do not vary significantly. The pH of frass ranged from 6.93 - 7.35. The pH of BSF larvae frass generally falls between 7.0 and 8.0, which is the optimal range for promoting plant growth (Surendra et al 2020) and providing a conducive environment for beneficial bacterial communities in the frass of BSF larvae (Choi and Hassanzadeh 2019).

The Total nitrogen, total phosphorous, and total potassium content, as shown in Table 3, are similar to those reported in other studies. For instance, frass derived from food waste has a total nitrogen content ranging from 0.6 to 4.8, total phosphorus content ranging from 0.8 to 2.5 and total potassium ranging from 0.2 to 2.1 (Basri et al 2022). These authors emphasize that total nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are acceptable for agronomic purposes at greater than 0.6, 0.22, and 0.25, respectively. In our study, the C/N ratio from frass ranged from 27.4 to 56.6. The VW and FW treatments had high C/N ratio values, while the CM-TP treatment had the lowest. BSF larvae frass with a C/N ratio of less than 20: 1 is beneficial for plants because organic nitrogen is already mineralized into inorganic nitrogen, which is available for plant uptake. Therefore, frass with a C/N ratio greater than 30: 1 is more likely to limit nitrogen availability for plant uptake(Sarpong et al 2019).

Bromatological composition of BSF larvae

Our result showed that the highest DM content of BSF larvae was obtained in the FW treatment at 22.0%, followed by the VW treatment with a DM value of 18.0%, and the lowest DM value was obtained in the CM-TP treatment with a DM of 15.6% (p<0.05) (Table 4). The significant difference in DM content in the FW treatment is believed to be due to its high Ether Extract (EE) content, which contributes to its high DM content. However, on average, the compositions of other nutrients were lower than those in the CM-TP and VW treatments. The high and distinct OM content in the VW treatment can be attributed to the low mineral content in the feed used for cultivating. This was evident in the low OM content of the CM-TP treatment, which coincided with the lower OM content of these growth feeds (see Table 1). Variations in the nutrient composition of a feed ingredient can influence the values of OM and DM (Dilaga et al 2022; Sutaryono et al 2023). However, the type of feed substrate used typically has a strong influence on the DM content of larvae.

Table 4. The nutrient composition of BSF larvae harvested




p value




DM (%)






OM (%)






CP (%)






CF (%)






EE (%)






GE (kcal/kg)




DM: dry matter, OM: organic matter, CP: crude protein, CF: crude fiber, EE: ether extract, GE: Gross energy, CM-TP: chicken manure and tofu pulp, VW: vegetable waste, FV: fruit waste, SEM: Standard Error of the Mean, a,b,c Different superscripts within rows indicate differences at p<0.05

The average crude protein (CP) content of the BSF larvae in our study was 30.6% to 52.2% (Table 4), and it varied greatly between BSF larvae reared on different growing feeds (p<0.05). As we expected, the highest CP content was obtained in the treatment mix of chicken manure and tofu pulp-based growing feed (CM-TP), which had a CP of 52.2%. This showed a significant difference compared to the vegetable waste-based treatment (VW) at 48.6% and the fruit waste treatment (FW) at 30.6% (p<0.05). These results strongly suggest that the different growing feeds led to differences in the nutrient composition of the BSF larvae produced. The range of CP content obtained in our study was similar to those reported by Lalander et al (2019), resulting in a 41.3% yield of BSF larvae cultivated on fruit and vegetable waste, and a 41.6% yield from poultry manure.

The protein content and amino acid profile of the larvae are essential for their use as feed. Despite the limitations of our study, we did not observe the amino acid profile of the BSF larvae. However, another study showed that the methionine content in BSF larvae reared using poultry manure and a mix of fruit and vegetable waste resulted in methionine levels of 20.5 g kg -1 and 15.3 g kg-1 CP, respectively. Meanwhile, the lysine levels were 59.5 g kg-1 and 51.4 g kg-1 CP, respectively (Lalander et al 2019). Given the ecological and economic disadvantages of traditional protein sources like fish meals and soybean meal in most animal feeds, BSF larvae present a high-quality and sustainable alternative. This is particularly relevant for poultry feed. This alternative protein source meets the standard for protein content in poultry feed. The standards range from 18-20% for starter feed, 13.516% for grower feed, 15-18% for laying feed, 18-23% for starter broiler feed, and 18-22% for finisher broiler feed (SNI 2016).

No statistical differences between groups were observed, which could be attributed to the crude fiber (CF) content of BSF larvae (p>0.05). The CF content of BSF larvae ranged from 12.7% to 14.7%. However, Shumo et al (2019) reported different results, with ADF content ranging from 12.6% to 15.0% in BSF larvae reared under various substrates. Crude fiber is a fraction of carbohydrate comprising less than 1% of an animal’s body. However, in some animals, the carbohydrate content in chitin can exceed 1%. Chitin was discovered in the exoskeleton of BSF larvae, contributing to 5.4% of their dry matter (Finke 2013). As the BSF larvae age, their crude fiber (CF) content increases. This increase is particularly noticeable when they enter the prepupa and pupa phases, during which their skin hardens.

Significant differences (p<0.05) were observed in the EE content of BSF larvae based on the type of feed. The EE content was 44.9% for the FW treatment, 20.9% for the VW treatment, and 12.0% for the CM-TP treatment (p<0.05) (Table 4).Shumo et al (2019) reported a nearly similar EE content of BSF larvae, ranging from 30.1% to 34.3%, under different feeding conditions. Furthermore, we hypothesize that the high EE content in the FW treatment is due to its smaller population or larval production compared to the WV and CM-TP treatments (see Table 2). With fewer larvae, there is less competition and the same amount of feed is provided. This reduced competition for feed might allow the larvae to consume more. Any feed consumption that exceeds the requirements for growth and development will be stored as body fat.

Larvae, a type of insect, have a high fat content of about 500 g/kg (Makkar et al 2014). However, their fatty acid composition is not necessarily ideal for animal nutrition (Gómez Candela et al 2011). They contain an inadequate quantity of monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids, and a high proportion of saturated (SFA) fatty acids (Caligiani et al 2018). Considering the high energy content of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae, it is necessary to minimize this before feeding them to poultry. Poultry require a diet with a crude fat concentration of 5-8% (SNI 2016).



We would like to express our gratitude to the Community Service Institute (LPPM) University of Mataram for fully funding this research through the PNBP scheme (Number: 2847/UN18.L1/PP/2021).

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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